Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

The Overlord wishes everyone a Happy Easter. She hopes all your chickens poop colorful jellybeans and all your bunnies poop colorful eggs. And after you eat what the bunnies and chicks have to offer, she wants you to have a delicious time biting the heads off of the innocent chickens and rabbits as you feast on the gooey marshmallow and chocolate innards. (Don't worry. I'll tell her what Easter really means when she gets older.)


  1. So. . .

    You're wishing me lots of poop from rabbits and chickens?

    Uh. . . thanks?

    Happy Easter to you and the Overlord. . .


  2. I saw the preview of the movie "Hop" where he poops jellybeans. What's a kid suppose to think?

    And we all know where chicken eggs come from... ;-P

    Thanks for the Easter wishes!

  3. She's precious, Michelle. I hope that your Easter was blessed. I'm sure that it was since you have that sweet bundle of love (aka Overlord.)
    Hugs and love,

  4. Thanks Jackie! I hope your Easter was great.

  5. I'm, uh, pretty sure that the egg chute is different from the poop chute. But, farm girl that you are, you would no doubt know better than me. . .


  6. I can neither confirm or deny your suggestion, due to the fact I was never interested in looking at a chicken's butt.


  7. Suldog: Ha! I'm make sure to clean up the language before telling her that :-)

  8. Just thought I'd drop you a comment of consolation concerning your Penguins. I now know the pain, with my B's having been eliminated last night...


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